Things are coming along nicely…

So my fiancé and I have 23 days until our big day (cue screeches of OMGGGG!) and things are coming along well (I think!).

My wedding ring is ALMOST finished – it’s been a long wait but I’m SO excited to see it! Fingers crossed its all I imagined it to be!

I also received the shawls for my Bridesmaids in the Post this morning! They were sent from China and when I was given an approximate posting date it said they could arrive as late as 7th Jaunary 2014 – over a week after our wedding!!! I had a little panic and messaged the seller and asked if they could be fast tracked and for no extra cost they arrived today! I checked them over at the Post Office where I had to collect them from, and then has another panic because they looked very purple compared to the photos I’d seen so I was worried they wouldn’t go with the burgundy Bridesmaid dresses! Luckily, when I got home and held them together they looked fine! Our wedding is very mismatched with lots of different shades of burgundy/wine featuring and so it didn’t look bad at all!

We also made our favours this week! They’re now all finished and in a box ready to transport to our venue!

AND I managed to find a new nail technician after the salon I was supposed to be using decided that they would close the day before our after all!

Blimey! What a week….

Finally finished our wedding ring box!

It’s taken me a while to finish our wedding ring box as I’ve been searching for something different to form the cushion in the base of the box rather than the usual foam or satin padding. And I’ve finally found it! Its moss!! Which fits perfectly with our rustic, woodland themed wedding.

So here’s a little photo of the final product…


I can’t wait to use it on our big day in 69 days time!!

Our DIY ring box

When we first started planning our wedding we came across an image of a rustic wedding ring box that the Best Man could use to safely store our rings in until they’re needed during the ceremony. As we looked into it a bit more we found more inspiration photos and decided we’d have a go at making our own!

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My fiancé’s wedding ring arrived!

We ordered my fiance’s wedding ring off Etsy from an American jeweller as it was a design he liked and a price we could afford. And after two and a half long weeks it finally arrived!!!

It fits!! AND my fiance loves it!!

We were able to have it engraved with up to 15 letters/numbers, and we chose to have our initials and wedding date engraved into the inside of the ring.


Only 96 days till he gets to wear it forever…!!!