Things are coming along nicely…

So my fiancé and I have 23 days until our big day (cue screeches of OMGGGG!) and things are coming along well (I think!).

My wedding ring is ALMOST finished – it’s been a long wait but I’m SO excited to see it! Fingers crossed its all I imagined it to be!

I also received the shawls for my Bridesmaids in the Post this morning! They were sent from China and when I was given an approximate posting date it said they could arrive as late as 7th Jaunary 2014 – over a week after our wedding!!! I had a little panic and messaged the seller and asked if they could be fast tracked and for no extra cost they arrived today! I checked them over at the Post Office where I had to collect them from, and then has another panic because they looked very purple compared to the photos I’d seen so I was worried they wouldn’t go with the burgundy Bridesmaid dresses! Luckily, when I got home and held them together they looked fine! Our wedding is very mismatched with lots of different shades of burgundy/wine featuring and so it didn’t look bad at all!

We also made our favours this week! They’re now all finished and in a box ready to transport to our venue!

AND I managed to find a new nail technician after the salon I was supposed to be using decided that they would close the day before our after all!

Blimey! What a week….